Sick Leave Netherlands Policy

The workplace, where we spend a significant portion of our lives, must be a place of support and growth. Illness is an inevitable part of the human condition, and how employers address it speaks volumes about your values and priorities.

The Sick Leave Policy Netherlands for your company is not just a legal necessity; it is a strategic guide to navigate the complexities of sick leave management in accordance with the Permanent Incapacity Benefit (Restrictions) Act including:

✓ Mandatory steps and actions by law for employer and employee.

✓ Explanation of parties involved in the process.

✓ Instructions and guidelines for each mandatory step. 

✓ Process of sick pay and payroll.





What You Will Get

We are going to ensure your success by providing you a tailor-made Sick Leave Policy Netherlands contributing to a culture of responsibility and care. Affirming that the well-being of employees matter deeply.

Risks of Non-Compliance

❌ Legal Violations: failure to comply with the law can result in a legal repercussion for your business.

❌ Ambiguity in Procedures: Lack of clarity about mandatory steps and actions for employer and employee can lead to confusion, inefficiency and non-compliance.

❌ Wage sanctions: Insufficient efforts by the employer to adhere to compliance standards can lead to imposed wage sanctions by UWV, impacting financial stability and employee morale.

Better Relationships. Decrease of Absenteeism. More Transparency.


Sick Leave Netherlands Insights

FAQs: Sick Leave Netherlands.

Questions about Sick Leave in the Netherlands occur often and this article is designed to have easy access to […]

Sick Leave Netherlands: Mandatory Regulations & Rules.

In the Netherlands, employees are entitled to paid sick leave from the first day of illness for up to […]

Top 10 Underlying Causes of Absenteeism in the Workplace.

Understanding the underlying causes of absenteeism is crucial for organisations in the Netherlands aiming to mitigate its impact on […]

Common Questions

What is the Sick Leave Policy?

The Sick Leave Policy Netherlands also known as the Sick Leave Regulation Protocol is a policy describing your sick leave process.

The policy includes the mandatory steps by Dutch law taken by employee and employer for short-and long-term illness. The Policy is in line with the Permanent Incapacity Benefit (Restrictions) Act in the Netherlands.

Is the Sick Leave Policy Netherlands applicable to small or large companies?

Regardless of whether the company is a startup, a scaleup, or a large organisation, a Sick Leave Policy Netherlands is a crucial component of effective HRM.

It ensures that all employees and the employer have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities in the process. This policy also fosters a supportive and healthy work environment as it could reduce absenteeism and enhance overall productivity.

How will the Sick Leave Policy be developed?

After the authorisation of the quotation, the start of the journey will be an online Kick-Off meeting that initiates the commencement of our HR services. Overview of objectives, deliverables, scope, and next steps will be discussed. The HR consultant specialist is available in that meeting to provide guidance and answer any questions.

After the meeting, the consultant will prepare a draft policy, which is reviewed and approved by a Dutch lawyer. This draft will then be submitted to you for review. Once you approve it, the final version will be sent to you in MS Word format (DOC).

Is the Sick Leave Policy in English or in Dutch?

The Sick Leave Policy Netherlands is written in English; however, a Dutch version can be provided upon request.

How long does the HR services engagement typically last?

The duration of an HR consulting engagement varies based on the availability of reviewers, their responsiveness, and unforeseen circumstances.

The policy should be presented within two weeks after the Kick-Off meeting, and internal approval processes within your company will be followed accordingly. 

How can I get a copy of the Sick Leave Policy?

The final Sick Leave Policy Netherlands will be sent to you in a MS Word format (DOC) which could be easily converted to a document format (PDF). The policy can be downloaded and printed.

Other companies are providing links to the policy on their HR intranet and then if preferred employees can use the browsers print function to print.

Where can I find more information on Sick Leave Netherlands?

We have a Knowledge Base where you will find a comprehensive collection of quick links housing essential information regarding sickness in the Netherlands. This dedicated section is designed to streamline your access to vital resources about reporting illness and sick pay. Read More ›

For more information or additional questions get in touch with us.


Request the Sick Leave Policy Netherlands

The Sick Leave Policy Netherlands will be tailored to your company’s needs.
Receive the policy to stay compliant, efficient and productive.


Human in Progress is a trusted partner offering HR services & learning in the Netherlands for over 15 years. The firm’s continuous innovation in HR processes has positioned it as a leader in People & Culture transformations within this strategic European location.