7 Ways to Effectively Train Employees.

For the future of your company and your employees, it is important that employees continue to hone their knowledge, skills and experience. To streamline your development programs and learning course, it is important to train employees, review career opportunities within the company and the professions in the labour market now in the future.

1: Set up a procedure

First of all, draw up an internal process of training and development programs. This way, employees know the requirements, eligibility and application process. This includes also working agreements and clarification. Management or supervisory bodies, will be showing the training programs which are in line with the market and complies with laws and regulations.

2: Review future needs

Examine the job positions and competencies the company will need in the coming months or years. This requires a clear view of the future, and the possible gaps. Match the current skills of employees with the required needs and decide which employees are eligible for further training or retraining.

3: Discuss goals

Discuss with your employee the purpose of and goals, which could include:

  • An expressed desire to continue employment with the organization;
  • Future prospects and the opportunity to advance to new positions;
  • The opportunity to retrain for occupations in high demand in the labour market in the near future.

Support your employees in their vision and ensure a sustainable goal and not just a temporary solution.

4: Determine budget

Determine the budget available for training. Explore the options if perhaps the government could support the organisation by allowances or sponsored programs. Keep in mind in The Netherlands, employers can receive a tax-free reimbursement of employees’ study costs via the WKR, work-related costs scheme.

5: Make agreements

Keep a record per employee of all costs and training opportunities. In addition, keep the agreements in the employee file and have the personal training plan at hand during performance interviews. Make sure to include in the agreement a clawback provision on training costs when employees will be leaving the company, depending on certain circumstances.

6: Training

Choose the best training method; Internal training – Employees can also learn from their colleagues. It is also an opportunity for employee to gain experience and will support in job orientation. Or choose external training or coaching.

7: Evaluate

Finally, evaluate the training program during the annual performance management review or during the mid-year progress review. By providing insight on progress made timely adjustments can be made, where necessary. Has the training program been successful? Make a note and comply with any agreements made to reward this success.

Do you have questions or would you like know more about our training courses? Visit the Human in Progress Academy.


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