Employee Leaves of Absence in the Netherlands.

Leaves of absence Netherlands is regulated under the Work and Care Act [Wet Arbeid en Zorg] in the Netherlands, hereinafter referred to as: the WAZO. This Act defines the right to leave and the right to payment.

A leave of absence is the permission for an employee to be away from work for a period of time. It might be voluntary, mandatory, paid, or unpaid. Leaves of absence are often taken by employees during culturally significant or exciting life moments, such as marriage, childbirth, or holidays, as well as for more somber reasons, such as sick leave.

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Statutory Leaves of Absence Netherlands

Special Leave

Besides leaves of absence Netherlands regulated under the WAZO there are more leave types: Special Leave. Special Leave is not based on law, but on general country specific common practice. Per type of Special Leave, the amount of leave days can be decided based on the company regulations.

Examples of Special Leave are:

  • Leave for relocation.
  • Leave for wedding of Employee, parents and in-laws.
  • Leave for exams, study.
  • Bereavement leave.


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