COVID-19: Coronavirus – Government Support Companies Netherlands.

The Dutch Government announced to support companies during the COVID-19 crisis. Please read below a list of measures the government is offering for employers and self-employed persons [ZZP-er].

UPDATE: July 1, 2022

This is an overview of all the support the Dutch government has provided during the last years and might now have been withdrawn.

  • NOW: A temporary measure Employment Bridging Emergency Fund NOW (Noodfonds Overbrugging Werkgelegenheid) is set in place to provide financial support for employers to help pay their employees’ wages. From March until September 2020, NOW1 en NOW2 were applicable. Per October 1, 2020, NOW3 is set in place.


  • Tax: All companies including Self-employed persons [ZZP-er] can request now to the Tax authorities special deferral of payment in regard to income tax, corporate tax, sales tax and loan/wage tax.



  • BIK: Encouraging companies to make investments offering an investment discount. The application period will start September 1, 2021.


  • BMKB: the SME credit guarantee (BMKB) scheme will be extended to help SMEs that are affected by the coronavirus secure bank guarantees and bridge financing. Entrepreneurs in the hotel, cafe or travel industry, for example, who experience problems because customers stay at home or if the business has to close temporarily, could borrow money.


  • COL: Startups, scale-ups and innovative SMEs are able to request a loan. Application can only be send in before October 1, 2020, after that date it is not possible to request support. More information on COL [Corona-Overbruggingslening] in Dutch:


  • GO: The Business loan guarantee scheme (GO) is for employers who need credit, but cannot easily get a bank loan or bank guarantee.


  • GF: The Growth facility (GF) is intended for entrepreneurs who need risk-bearing capital, for example for rapid growth, a business takeover or expansion abroad. This scheme is intended to help entrepreneurs to attract financing.


  • KKC: [Klein Krediet Corona] loans possible for companies with a relatively small financing requirement (from 10,000 to 50,000 euros). Contact your local bank for more information (Rabobank, New 10 (ABN AMRO), ING, Kredietunie Groningen, de Volksbank en Triodos Bank).


  • Kick-start Voucher: For international SMEs, affected in their international activities. With an online Kickstart voucher employers will receive an 80% discount on the hiring of a self-selected external advisor to limit the consequences of the corona crisis for the company abroad.  More information in the RVO website


  • SET: Healthcare organisations that want to offer their clients eHealth solutions (such as video calls) and need to invest in apps, software or hardware, can apply for a subsidy under the extended Incentive scheme eHealth at Home (SET).


  • SPUKIJZ: Specific allowance for ice rinks and swimming pools. This benefit can only be applied for by municipalities where the accommodation is located.


  • TASO: Amateur sports organisations can make use of the TASO scheme.


  • ToZo: Self-employed persons [ZZP-ers], border workers and state pensioners [AOW-ers] can also claim the Temporary bridging scheme for independent entrepreneurs (Tozo). In addition, Self-employed persons who run into problems due to the coronavirus outbreak can appeal to the Bbz (Decree on assistance for self-employed persons 2004/Besluit bijstandverlening zelfstandigen) if they meet the conditions for this scheme. Regulation will continue until June 30 2021. Read more in this article on the Dutch Government website.


  • TVS: Landlords of sports facilities can qualify for the TVS. More information.


  • TOA: support entrepreneurs to use the opportunities that the Private Agreement Homologation Act (WHOA) will soon offer them. This makes it easier to reach agreements with creditors. Entrepreneurs can already meet with their creditors to formalise this immediately after 1 January 2021. 


  • TONK: The Temporary Support Necessary Costs (TONK) is intended for employers and the government will reimburse necessary costs (e.g. rent, mortgage, gas, water, electricity, etc.) due to loss of income. More information


  • TVL:  The Fixed Allowance (TVL) helps SMEs and self-employed professionals to pay part of their fixed costs. The compensation of a minimum of 1,000 euros and a maximum of 50,000 euros is for companies that have lost more than 30% of their turnover due to the corona crisis. Regulation will continue until June 30, 2021, visit RVO website


  • Qcredits: Entrepreneurs who have a loan from microcredit provider Qredits do not have to repay their loan for a period of 6 months. During this period, the interest will be reduced to 2%. The Dutch Government supports Qredits with 6 million euros, visit the website Qcredits




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