How To Be Successful in Employee Performance Reviews for Managers.

Are you interested in tools to make performance reviews successful in your organisation? Performance management systems consist of the activities of improving employee performance, and therefore, organisational performance. Consequently, performance management is conducted at the organisational level and the individual level. These 6 tips will help you conducting an effective employee performance reviews.

1. Preparation Is Key

Do not underestimate the impact of the employee performance review. The employee has waited at least six months for this meeting. They want a thorough report on their performance. Be clear, well prepared and provide time for the employee to clarify his feedback and ambitions.

2. Do  Not Postpone the Employee Performance Reviews

Meet the deadline to complete all performance appraisals. This also includes the report of the reviews!

3. Discuss the Agenda, Objectives & Expectations of the Conversation

The baseline for the conversation is the job profile. The agenda of a performance review should consist of the following components at least:

  • Introduction
  • Pre-Discussion Phase: The employee can highlight the topics they want to discuss.
  • Discussion Phase: The manager and employee will discuss solutions and opportunities. Clear agreements and actions should be discussed. (The role of you as a manager is to clarify ambitions, skills and abilities of the employee).
  • Discussion Phase (manager): You give your feedback about the performance of the employee. In addition, you should also discuss skills and/or knowledge the employee needs to improve in order to execute the job role or rotate to another position.
  • Discussion Phase (employee): The employee responds to the points discussed.
  • Completion: The agreements are summarised and formulated in clear objectives.

4. Have a Procedure If Employee Disagrees With the Feedback

The performance review session is a two-way conversation. If an employee disagrees with the feedback, please be clear on how the employee should indicate this and how it will be processed in the performance review report.

5. Get To the Point

Be clear, speak concisely as possible about their performance backed up with examples of recent events.

6. Put All Agreements in Writing

No written performance review report will have a negative impact on the motivation of employees. The employee will feel respected as their input is captured. Additionally, the report is an essential document in the employee’s file as of non-performance or promotion.

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