Workplace Health & Safety Netherlands

3 min read

Getting to Know More About Workplace Health & Safety in the Netherlands #

The Dutch Working Conditions Act [Arbeidsomstandighedenwet/Arbowet] requires every employer to conduct a health and safety policy aimed to provide optimal working conditions for employees. Arbo in Dutch is the abbreviated term for the working conditions in the Netherlands.

The services of the Occupational Health & Safety Service provider are called in Dutch Arbo Services.

The Occupational Health and Safety Service provider Netherlands [Arbodienst], plays a crucial role in supporting employers in maintaining optimal working conditions for employees. The provider offers services to employers regarding the working conditions. The support covers the areas such as mandatory Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI&E) and execution of the Sick Leave in the Netherlands.

Ensuring health and safety in the workplace is not just a legal obligation but also a moral imperative for employers.

It encompasses a wide range of measures aimed at protecting the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of employees while they are on the job. From preventing accidents and injuries to promoting a positive work environment, a safe working environment leads to healthy and motivated employees.

Important Articles #

Workplace Health and Safety Netherlands Regulations #

Understanding the Health & Safety Act is about creating a safe and productive environment where your employees can excel. In this article, we will break down the key regulations you need to know, ensuring companies not only meet legal standards but also foster a culture of safety and well-being.

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Workplace Health and Safety Netherlands Regulations.


Mandatory Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) #

In the Netherlands, all employers with staff are legally required to conduct a Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) [Risico Inventarisatie & Evaluatie].

This assessment mandated by the Dutch Working Conditions Act [Arbeidsomstandighedenwet/Arbowet] is vital for employers to fulfil their legal obligation of ensuring employee health and safety. Find out more about the RI&E list of risks within an organisation, along with a detailed plan outlining steps to address these issues.

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Mandatory Risk Inventory and Evaluation (RI&E) Netherlands.


Mandatory Prevention Officer in the Netherlands #

The meaning of the Prevention Officer Netherlands [Preventiemedewerker] is to focus on ensuring day-to-day workplace health and safety. The officer collaborates with management, employees, the Works Council, HR, and external stakeholders such as the Occupational Health & Safety Service provider. Get more information about the importance of this role in the organisation.

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Mandatory Prevention Officer in the Netherlands.


Mandatory Confidential Counsellor in the Netherlands #

Under the current Dutch Working Conditions Act [Arbeidsomstandighedenwet/Arbowet], companies are obliged to implement a policy to safeguard the working conditions for employees and to appoint a Confidential Counsellor.

A Confidential Counsellor fosters a culture of support and encourages employees to voice concerns without apprehension. It serves as evidence of the organisation’s commitment to fostering a positive work environment and prioritising employee well-being through proactive employment practices.

Providing employees with access to an advisor can reduce absenteeism, as the work-related psychological issues account for more than 50% of the work-related illness costs in the Netherlands.

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Mandatory Confidential Counsellor in the Netherlands.