Plan & Prepare Next Training Course

3 min read

Overview #

Learning pathways are essential for professional growth. Having a clear roadmap to guide the learning endeavours will make all the difference. In today’s dynamic business environment, staying ahead of the latest trends, Works Council regulations and HR practices is not just a desire but a necessity. Searching online for information can be overwhelming with all the available knowledge and whilst you might think you need more information, you sometimes don’t.

What happens is you MILK.
You have More Information but Less Knowledge.

In this section we will provide information about how to find out what will be your next Academy training course.

Learning Pathways #

A learning path is essentially a personalised journey of acquiring knowledge and skills that are tailored to an individual’s professional goals or a group goal. It is more than a collection of training sessions. It is a well-thought-out sequence of learning experiences designed to build expertise progressively.

A learning path supports in aligning the objectives such as skill development, and growth. Clear milestones and achievements along a learning path can boost your motivation to make an impact. Seeing progress, achieving goals, and mastering new skills contribute to a positive learning experience.

With a learning path, you can track progress more effectively. Whether through practical applications, having measurable indicators ensures that you are advancing their skills.

The amount of information available can be overwhelming, not knowing where to begin or what to learn next. A learning path breaks down the learning process into manageable steps, preventing information overload and allowing members to grasp concepts gradually.

Step 1. Conduct Training Needs Analysis #

A training analysis involves assessing the goals and identifying areas where improvement is needed to help them achieve those goals.

  • Personal learning objectives – What are my personal learning goals?
  • For an HR team or Works Council earning objectives – What do we want to collectively learn?
  • Current skill levels – What is my current skill level?
  • Key obstacles to learning improvement – What is missing, and do I need to improve my learning?

Step 2. Identify Skill Gaps #

This step involves recognising the gaps between the current skills and compare this with the desired learning outcomes. You may consider the following questions:

  • What are my objectives for improvement?
  • Where do I want to be at the end of a course or multiple courses?
  • What essential skills I am lacking and wish to acquire?

Step 3. Define Learning Goals #

Take the results from step 1 and 2 and compose multiple learning goals. These goals will identify the skills, knowledge, and capabilities you want to achieve by the time they have completed multiple training courses. This is the foundation a learning pathway is built on.

Step 4. Select the Training Course #

The Human in Progress learning pathway is a customisable, on-demand learning solution designed to increase the knowledge of HR professionals, entrepreneurs and Works Council members. We offer practical masterclasses, courses, and programmes for Works Councils in the Netherlands, available in various formats, ensuring accessibility across online and offline platforms.

The training are classified in category topics related to:

Browse Academy Training Courses ›

Step 5. Request Support – Schedule Your Consultation #

Talk to a consultant about your support request in a 30 minute online session. Book a convenient time for a 100% free consultation. Our dedicated Support Team is just one click away and happy to support you if you need support in selecting the next training course.

Contact us today!