Understand Our Data Privacy

1 min read

Overview #

At Human in Progress, we prioritise the security and privacy of your data. As part of our commitment, we adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure that your data is handled with the utmost care and in full compliance with European Union regulations.

In this section you will learn more about the privacy solutions and where to find the support you need.

  • Data Collection
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Privacy Policy


Data Collection #

Data Encryption #

We use industry-standard encryption protocols (e.g., TLS/SSL) to protect your data during transmission.

Access Controls #

Access to data is restricted based on job roles and responsibilities, ensuring that only authorised personnel can access sensitive information. We require MFA for accessing critical systems to add an extra layer of security.

Data Backup and Recovery #

We perform regular data backups to prevent data loss in any event.


GDPR Compliance #

Data Collection and Processing #

We collect and process personal data only for specific, legitimate purposes and with the user’s consent where required and we collect only the necessary data required for the purpose it is being processed.

User Rights #

Users can request access to their personal data that we hold, seek corrections for any inaccurate or incomplete information, and request the deletion of their personal data under certain conditions.

Data Protection Officer (DPO) #

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer who is responsible for overseeing our GDPR compliance efforts and addressing any concerns related to data protection.

Third-Party Compliance #

We ensure that any third-party service providers we work with are also compliant with GDPR.

Privacy Policy #

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or GDPR compliance, please contact us or read our Privacy Policy.